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FAQs for Speakers
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Q:  What major applications are installed on the desktop computer in Room 1A1, the Ewart Angus Centre?
A:  The applications listed below are updated more or less annually to the current or near-current version.
CategoryInstalled Applications
Operating system
Microsoft Windows 10 or higher
Web browsersGoogle Chrome
Microsoft Edge
Mozilla Firefox
PDF readerAdobe Reader DC
AV playerWindows Media Player
VLC Media Player
SpreadsheetMicrosoft Office:  Excel
PresentationMicrosoft Office:  PowerPoint
Windows Photos
Word processingMicrosoft Office:  Word
Q:  Can I run my presentation from the desktop computer on the podium?
A:  Yes — provided you can satisfy the following technical requirements:
  • One of the applications installed on the podium pc — see the previous question — can be used to run/show your audio-visual materials. If you want to show a video that's on YouTube, you can do so with one of the web browsers.
  • If you want to show a file that is not available for viewing or downloading from a website, you will need to bring your file on a USB stick, which you will plug in to one of the usb ports on the side of the desktop monitor. You can then drag a copy of your file on to the pc's desktop, from where it can be opened.
  • Another option is to upload a copy of your presentation file to your DropBox, Google Drive or equivalent account, to serve as a backup in the unlikely event that the copy on your usb stick becomes corrupted or otherwise unavailable. The online file(s) can easily be downloaded to and run from the podium pc.
Q:  Can I run my presentation from my own laptop computer?
A:  Yes — provided you can satisfy the following technical requirement:  You (or we) can connect your laptop to the 'female' HDMI port on the podium at the front of the room, using either a standard Type A HDMI cable (male:male) or an "adaptor" cable (small male:larger female) plus a standard Type A HDMI cable (male:male). (Those who use an Apple pc or Apple laptop often refer to such adaptors as a "dongle".)
  • The HDMI cable, or the adaptor and cable combination, sends your laptop's outgoing audio-visual content to the pc located under the podium. The pc forwards the signal to a digital projector at the rear of the room. The projector displays your content to the audience via a large screen on the front wall of the room.

Note that if you want to connect to the internet, in order to download or display something, you can establish a wi-fi connection to the internet for your laptop if you have the necessary login credentials for the university's "Mac-WiFi"" or "eduroam" networks. If you don't have those credentials we can log you in to the "Mac WiFi" network.

Alternatively, you could download and display the desired resource(s) via the podium pc, which has a permanent internet connection. Past experience suggests that it is often quicker and easier for the presenter to use the podium pc for downloading files. If necessary you can always move the file via usb stick to your laptop if it is not practical to work with or otherwise display the resource via the podium pc.

Q:  I'm going to be using my own laptop. Tell me more about that HDMI cable and the HDMI input port on the podium
A:  If you have your own Type A HDMI cable (male:male) and you know that it can connect your laptop to a Type A female HDMI port, then you should certainly bring that cable with you. If you don't have such a cable or if your laptop doesn't have a standard Type A female port for outgoing video content, some of the information provided below may prove helpful:
Image not found. Image of a standard male connector on a Type A HDMI cable. The standard Type A HDMI con­nec­tors have these dimen­sions:
male endouter13.9 x 4.45 mm
female endinner  1.4 x 4.55 mm
HAALSA can provide a standard Type A HDMI cable, one with a male terminal at each end.

If your computer has a smaller female HDMI port, such as a ""mini DisplayPort" terminal, you will need to bring a suitable `smaller-female-to-larger-male "adaptor", a short cable that can plug in to your laptop's 'video-out' port and enables a male Type A HDMI connector to plug into the other end of the adaptor.

HAALSA can provide only one type of HDMI adaptor; specifically one with a male end for an Apple laptop's female mini DisplayPort terminal. We can not provide adaptors for Apple or other brands` laptops with other types or sizes of 'video-out' terminals.

Q:  Should I bring my presentation on one or two USB sticks?
A:  You should certainly bring a copy of your presentation file on a USB stick.
In addition, consider bringing two usb sticks, unless you have uploaded a second copy to your DropBox, Google Drive, or some equivalent online storage account. The second stick can be a backup in the unlikely event that the copy on the first stick becomes unusable. (Yes, like hard drives in a pc, usb sticks will and do fail eventually.)
Q:  What microphones are available for me to use?
A:  The room is equipped with a podium mike, a lapel mike, and a hand-held mike. Our experience with the label mic is that it does not consistently provide a satisfactory audio experience for our audiences.
Consequently, we ask that you present via the podium mike and, optionally, to wear the lapel mike, just in case you move too far from the podium at any point during your presentation. Alternatively, you may choose to hold the hand-held mike throughout your presentation, which will allow you to roam well beyond the range of the podium mike. Please note, however, that the hand-held mike is not a guaranteed option. The mike's built-in rechargable battery may be empty or inadequately charged because the previous user did not return the mike to its charging station.
Q:  Can HAALSA provide a hand-held laser pointer?
A:  Yes. Our pointer displays a red dot.
Q:  Can HAALSA provide technical assistance before and during my presentation?
A:  Yes. A qualified HAALSA member, usually the Webmaster, will be delegated to assist you in getting set up, either on the podium pc or your laptop.
Q:  I'm driving to the McMaster campus: Where should I park my vehicle?
A:  We strongly recommend that you park on the McMaster University campus, either on a gated lot or at a metered, on-street location.

For lot locations near the hospital building and vehicle access details see our Campus Parking Details page.

HAALSA will reimburse your cost for parking to a maximum of $8.00. The latter is McMaster's current evening maximum for parking on the main campus, either on-street (where permitted) or on one of the university's gated lots. (College Street, which runs west, north of the Psychology building, has some metered on-street parking and a gated lot at its western end.) McMaster's parking meters/kiosks accept payment by credit card.

Free off-campus parking may also be found on streets to the east side of the campus but it may be difficult to locate areas where 2-hour (or longer) parking is permitted after 7 pm.

We strongly recommend that you NOT park in any of the McMaster University Childrens Hospital surface or underground lots. Post-presentation you will have to pay a $23.00 (when we last checked) fee when exiting the lot. As stated above, HAALSA will reimburse only $8.00 of that cost.