A Friend Is

Someone who, although not a member, wants to be kept informed about the Association's upcoming lectures and other activities.

Donating:  A Friend can, without becoming a member, always make a donation to HAALSA.

A donation from a Friend is entirely volun­tary and made be made at any time.

You may assign a gift of cash (or its equivalent) to one or more of our award funds and/or to "other expenses". A donation assigned to the latter will help to cover costs associated with our annual lecture series. Our Contact Information and Donation (CIAD) form includes a section for such contributions—just ignore the section about donating for a membership.

Contact the Treasurer (treasurer@haalsa.org) if you wish to offer a gift-in-kind (property such as new books, computer equipment, equities and bonds).

Tax considerations:  Canadian donors may claim any donation to HAALSA, including a donation for membership, on their next federal income tax return. The donation is tax deductible at the rates prescribed by the Canada Revenue Agency.

Official Receipts:  Our policy regarding the issuing of official receipts for tax purposes is provided on our Receipts page.

Accessing Our Donation Form

Our Contact Information and Donation (CIAD) form can be accessed via our How to Donate page, which provides details on four methods by which you can donate. Click here to go to our `How to Donate` page.

Friend's Benefits:  What Friends Receive from the Association

Friends enjoy the same material benefits as Members—but without the satisfaction of knowing that they have helped to support our awards programs and our annual lectures series. (Learn about the benefits enjoyed by members.)

Before continuing you should perhaps read our Privacy Policy.

You can unsubscribe from either of our contact lists (email or postal) at any time. Instructions are provided on our Unsubscribe page.

It's Easy to become a Friend

Just ask our Corresponding Secretary to add you to our Contacts list for postal mailings, our e-Contacts list for emails, or both lists. Please do so only via email (secretary@haalsa.org) or postal mail.

  • If contacting us via email:  please make the Subject line "New Friend".
  • Be sure to provide your name and the postal and/or email addresses that you want us to use when contacting you.
  • If you don't have an email address:  consider providing a telephone number, in addition to your postal address.
  • If you want to receive our printed annual brochure you must, of course, provide your postal address.

After Becoming a Friend:  Keep Your Contact Information Up-To-Date

Please inform our Corresponding Secretary by email (secretary@haalsa.org) or postal mail, of any subsequent change to your postal or email addresses or other contact details. Your updated information will be shared with our Treasurer.

Doing so will enable us to keep you advised of forthcoming events and cancellations and, if you've made a donation to HAALSA, will also ensure that you receive our offical receipt for tax purposes.